Date 18-09-2022 Time 22:00
Location Jane St, Esperance WA 6450, Australia

Annual general meeting toward closing the 2022 soccer season - Agenda consistent with ESA's constitution Section 20.12

Hi all,

the annual general meeting is a perfect opportunity for anyone and everyone to familiarise themselves with the Esperance Soccer Club. The meeting will discuss the past season, it's successes and potential opportunities. Come and have a listen to what the club is about. Maybe you can assist or have ideas? Maybe you're keen to help but are unsure? The committee is very aware that full commitment is not always possible and can be a daunting step. We as committee members have all been there and reassure the meeting is not intended as a "forced" recruitment forum but rather as an opportunity toward familiarisation. Interest is entirely voluntary and flexible. The AGM is also the lead up to next season's committee meetings where ideas and the next season's outlay starts taking shape.

Please note the agenda will be life and is subject to change as we near the meeting's date.

Minute Taker

Steven Loones
Junior Coordinator 7-8 2024 SL


Oliver Jones
Junior Coordinator 9-11 2024, Vice President 2025, Referees Coordinator 2025 OJ


Stephen Bell
Derek Clarke
Registrar 2025 DC
Danny Forsyth
Junior Coordinator 14-16 2024 DF
Oliver Jones
Junior Coordinator 9-11 2024, Vice President 2025, Referees Coordinator 2025 OJ
Dallin Jorgensen
Steven Loones
Junior Coordinator 7-8 2024 SL
Kerry Polkinghorne
Equipment Officer 2024 KP
Ashley Worth
1 Opening of meeting
1. 1 Present - Quorum met? (10 members present)
1. 2 Apologies
2 Confirmation of minutes previous general meeting (Accepted and seconded)
3 Presentation of annual report
3. 1 President report
3. 2 Treasurer's report (end of year)
3. 3 Equipment Officer Report
3. 4 Adoption of annual report (Accepted and seconded)
4 Election of new executive - resignation and acceptance
4. 1 President (Oliver Jones)
4. 2 Vice President (Ashley Worth)
4. 3 Secretary (Steven Loones)
4. 4 Treasurer (Derek Clarke)
4. 5 Equipment Officer (Kerry Polkinghorne)
4. 6 Registrar (Jessie Heaseman)
4. 7 Referee Coordinator (Stephen Bell)
4. 8 Junior Coach Coordinator (5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-13, 14-15)
4. 9 Seniors Coordinator
4. 10 Women's Coordinator (Carmen Creed)
4. 11 Canteen Manager
4. 12 Sponsorship Coordinator
4. 13 TDS/Country Week Coordinator
4. 14 Other positions?
5 Appointment of auditor (See notes last AGM)
6 Urgent general business
6. 1 Passing of Andrew Middleton
6. 2 Stephen Bell suggested purchase of mobile full sized goals
6. 3 Great sporting ground project and club rooms
7 Closure

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