Esperance Soccer Association
powered by TidyHQ2021 Country Week - Expression of interest
2021 Country Week - Expression of interest
2021 Country week Perth - Monday 27th of Sept - 1st of October
Dear parents/Guardian,
This email is intended to pulse general interest amongst potential players and provide information regarding this year’s yearly Country Week event in order to assist you with a decision toward whether or not your child would be able to participate.
Country Week
What is Country Week (CW)? CW is a carnival of regional Association teams held by Football West (FW). The event is for players aged 9-17 (players need to turn 9 by Dec 31).
Teams from Esperance, Albany, Kalgoorlie, Peel, Leeuwin (LNJSA), Geraldton, Karratha, Broome, Port Hedland, and other regional areas attend to enjoy the opportunity to play at a higher level and to network with other soccer minded players and Associations.
From Country Week, players can potentially be selected to attend event such as the FW Country Development Camp (Perth) held the following April as part of FW’s regional player development pathway. From Country Camp, players may be selected to receive further Football West development opportunities if they show exceptional talent. Opportunities vary and may offer further opportunities such as an invitation to attend the ‘Singa’ or ‘Thailand’ Cups in Asia (COVID permitting). These tours are run by a private company (Walkabout Tours) and provide a wonderful playing experience at a higher level but are not in the FW development pathway.
Esperance Soccer Association is working towards sending as many teams as the numbers will allow. Options vary from sending two teams from the same age group, to players joining other country teams (or visa versa) in order to supplement numbers toward creating a team.
The final decision and outcome on teams largely pivots around interested “committed” numbers and the likelihood of forming teams of simular skill amongst players. I am sure you can appreciate that either way, the trip will require some organisation both from the club and player’s families hence our early approach toward populating interest.
Talent Development Squad (TDS) teams
Traditionally, a TDS team was formed by players undergoing a selection process prior to the season opening after indicating interest at registration. Other players would be invited to join the squad depending team numbers and space toward forming a complete team.
I am sure you can appreciate that every season is different and our selection processes have to be adapted around league numbers and interest. This year we have one U11 (age group 9-11) TDS team which is largely composed of carried over players from last season. Many a conversation regarding team formation has since been had and it is generally agreed that the current U11 TDS team is not set in stone, realising that there was no formal selection process.
Unfortunately, the U13 (age group 12-13) did not have sufficient numbers to create a separate TDS team this year which has no bearing on whether or not a team can be sent to CW.
Note, the selection criteria is based on a player’s skills but equally on a player’s attitude, perseverance and general sportsmanship values.
The location of the CW event was recently confirmed to be at the Yokine Reserve, 100 Wordsworth Ave, Yokine WA 6060. Football West organises a marquee which each club pays for. It is a base for the day where players can rest and eat. Committee members stay here during the day, so players are supervised if their family leaves between the games.
Competition Dates
The competition will run during the school holiday period from Monday the 27th of September until the 1st of October. Traditionally, there are 2 games per day with one final game on Friday morning for all teams. This is followed by afternoon presentations at the ground. Fixture with times are sent out a week or 2 before the week starts. Usually Esperance Soccer Association meets at a social activity like Ten Pin Bowling to wind down on the Friday evening.
Accommodation & Transport
In the past the club has booked accommodation a year in advance. All players, coaches, managers would stay together at camp, usually Como apartments. All food and transport would be organised.
However, for 2020, due to the covid-19 pandemic we were not able to organise the above arrangements to bus together or stay together as a group. Considering the current COVID statues and unknowns, the club has decided that players will need to organise their own transport and accommodation. The advantage of this is that it significantly reduces the individual costs and frees up time for families to go and do things in Perth and treat it as a holiday!
With regards to accommodation. Ollie, our club president, is in the process of organising a discount deal with Broadwater Resort Como (https://www.broadwaterresortcomo.com.au/). Here too, a participation number would greatly assist organising.
There may be some other minor costs associated with obtaining an event jacket, participation toward event cost such as marquee hire, etc… but these cost will be further discussed as a club and may yet be subsidised by the club pending its financial position or fund raising.
As you see, there is yet many a decision to be made ranging from team composition, accommodation to selective training. At this stage the club seeks your input regarding availability and commitment to join us in Perth for this year’s Country Week based on the above information.
Can I therefor ask you register interest as soon as possible by filling in the attached entry document and return via email. Entries will close on Monday the 5th of July. Any further queries and questions can equally be directed to the club via email espsoccerassoc@outlook.com.