Esperance Soccer Association
powered by TidyHQ5-6 November 2022 - Pro Football Training visit to Esperance - "Coaches" coaching session
5-6 November 2022 - Pro Football Training visit to Esperance - "Coaches" coaching session
Pro Football Coaching session in Esperance, 5 & 6th of November 2022
The Esperance Soccer Association (ESA) had the pleasutre to welcome Mark and Barry from Pro Football Training in order to provide our current and upcoming coaches some extra skills. The session was equally attended by our friends from Albany Great Southern Development Program WA. The course was organised in an effort to raise the bar when it comes to coaching styles and quality. Mark & Barry provided a fun and interactive learning environment which fits perfecltly within the ESA vision and goals to be a safe, friendly and welcoming association. Below are some in class and on the pitch photos.
General feedback:
Good coaches steal ideas from everywhere, including other sports
Gamify everything, make it enjoyable
Kids deal well with a chaotic area, minimal structure
Focus on fun, not-serious exercises and conformed ideas from the past, while useful to be used less often.
Inclusion is key to making kids disconnect from troubles, connect with the sport, coach is the bridge, so attitude and interaction with the individuals is critical
Parents loved how you knew every child's name, and how well you engaged them individually to the benefit of the rest.
I think you saw the impact your question and answers session had on some of our coaches.
I think all of us will steal something.
I though the Saturday I went to was great. Loved the energy and fast transitions with small simple breaks
Constructive side line instructions – it’s so easy to get engrossed in the kid’s game and start shouting instructions rather than supportive/technical advice. Learned, that you need to let the kids discover and offer advice at half time and after the game. Follow praise & instructions with “why”. Create “passwords” for the players – language that both player and coach understand.
Remember to mix up positions amongst players (including the goal keeper) – allow the players to mature and explore on all levels.
Loved how Barry and Mark's coaching styles went beyond the game to include: manners, inclusion, care, compassion, how to deal with emotions, looking after your gear and that of others, rewarding, celebrating, life's lessons, etc...