2021 - Upcoming Esperance Friendly game 9-11 & 12-13 Weekend of July 10 (Published 24/06/2021 - Updated 10/07/2021 )

Esperance Friendly game 9-11 & 12-13


Saturday 10th July

12-13's - 11.45am: warm up  followed by a 1pm game.

9 - 11's - 3.30pm game

** Sausage sizzle, egg/bacon sandwiches & drinks for gold coin donation. Coffee & tea available.

Sunday 11th July

9 - 11's: 10.11am game


FRIENDLY GAME FOR 9-11 & 12-13s Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th July verses Hannans Celtic from Kalgoorlie. Depending on numbers we will be playing one game on the Saturday afternoon, and 2 or 3 games on the Sunday. If you child would like to play please text the year coordinators

9-11s Ash Worth 0429090286

12-13s Kym Polkinghorne 0418902809

Or you can email the association


Closing date for response Wedneaday 30th June