Esperance Soccer Association
powered by TidyHQ2022 - Preparing for Kick Off and upcoming events - Update 26/02/2022
2022 - Preparing for Kick Off and upcoming events - Update 26/02/2022
2022 - Preparing for kick off and upcoming event - Update
The club had a general "Pre-season special meeting - Brainstorming session" meeting on the 22nd of February with some general discusions, ideas and decisions making.
- Registration for the 2022 Soccer Season are now officially open: please register via : Soccer Registration - Link. Prompt and early registartion (before April 15) will assist the club with organising games, teams and equipment (Note: if any Juniors are using Kidsport vouchers to pay their fees, you must obtain the voucher code before registering as you will need this to be entered into the system for payment.)
The official season opening has been set at Sunday the 8th of May with play times being as follows:
5-6 year olds: from 12:00 - 13:00
7-8 year olds: from 12:00 - 13:00
9-11 year olds: from 12:00 - 13:00
12-14 year olds from 13:30 - 14:30
Seniors (15 year olds and up - refer to info within - Fusion of leagues 15's & Seniors Men) from 16:00 - 18:00
Optional training for all leagues (age groups) will be on Wednesdays, times to be confirmed.
The club will endeavour to organise extra tournaments and special training sessions during the long weekends.
The club has partly received some ordered equipment which has been sponsored by the Shire of Esperance and Southern Ports. The disruption in the supply chain has been the cause of the delivery delays. The equipment will be introduced via the web page and social media once received in order to recognise and thank the generous sponsors.
There are still some open positions on the club's committee and we always welcome coaching assistance.
Ladies competition coordinator
Referee coordinator (will be supported by former ref coordinator)
Coaching coordinator
Volunteer manager
Media (including social) coordinator
The committee would also like to receive any interest regarding "general committee members". These members don't necessarily have a specific role but would endeavour to attend the club's meeting and assist with generating ideas, solutions or temporary assistance where possible. Please express any interest via Contact Us - Link
Don't forget to join our Facebook page - Esperance Soccer Association Facebook - Link