Esperance Soccer Association
powered by TidyHQ2022 - Warming up and upcoming events - 19/02/2022
2022 - Warming up and upcoming events - 19/02/2022
Hi Soccer legends!
A quick update as the soccer season is approaching fast.
The Esperance Soccer Association is slowly ramping up efforts toward the next season. Below, a quick update of where we are at.
The club is awaiting much needed new equipment and uniforms.
The registration platform is currently being tested and should be open to all in the coming weeks.
We anticipate the season to start on the 7th or 14th of May. Usually, the season runs till September. We play games on Sunday in order to avoid clashing with other sports. Some age groups/leagues offer additional training during the week.
It has been decided that the Senior league will start at ages 15 and over due to low numbers. An outdoor league is currently in doubt unless interest ramps up. The amalgamation of age groups was the only solution toward creating some competion and acquiring sufficient numbers. At this stage the Seniors' league is restricted to playing Futsal which is on offer every Wednesday from 7 till 8:30 at the Esperance indoor stadium (follow on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EsperanceSoccerAssociation) .
The club is still seeking people to assist with various roles. Any help will be greatly appreciated by the current volunteers. Some more specific roles still need to be filled:
Junior coordinators & coaches (various age groups)
Referee Coordinator
Sponsorship coordinator
Media Coordinator
Other assistance is sought for portentially running of a canteen, someone to update the ladder, assist with match fixtures, general support and organising.
For any more information or expression of interest, please make contact via email - espsoccerassoc@outlook.com