Esperance Soccer Association
powered by TidyHQ
Welcome to the
Esperance Soccer Association
Corner of Jane and Brazier Street, PO Box 2465 Esperance 6450
TELEPHONE 0492 933 523
2025 ESA Football Season Is NOW OPEN for Registrations!
The 2025 ESA season is set to kick off on the 4th of May and conclude on the 31st of August. Games will be played every Sunday except during school holidays and long weekends. A "wind-up" day is planned for the 7th of September.
Preliminary rounds for the 2025 Season:
Round | Date |
1 | May 4th |
2 | May 11th |
3 | May 18th |
4 | May 25th |
5 | June 1st |
6 | June 8th |
7 | June 15th |
8 | June 22nd |
9 | June 29th |
10 | July 27th |
11 | August 3rd |
12 | August 10th |
13 | August 17th |
14 | August 24th |
15 | August 31st |
Wind up | September 7th |
The annual Perth Football West Country Week competion is likely to be played during te week of the 22nd of October (dates to be confirmed)
Dates may vary slightly pending registration numbers
Contact us via email: espsoccerassoc@outlook.com
2025 Committee & Coordinators -
President - president.espsoccer@mail.tidyhq.co : Louise Pearn
Vice President - vicepres.espsoccer@mail.tidyhq.co : Olie Jones
Secretary - secretary.espsoccer@mail.tidyhq.co - Uli Sinnott
Treasurer - treasurer.espsoccer@mail.tidyhq.co - Kath Fleeton
Registrar - registrar@espsoccer.tidymail.co - Derek Clarke
Equipment Officer - Kerry Polkinghorn
Referee Coordinator - refco@espsoccer.tidymail.co - Olie Jones
Country Week Coordinator - countryweek.espsoccer@mail.tidyhq.com : Nat Shipp
Media/Website Liaison Officer: Oli Jones & Louise Pearn (interim)
Senior Coordinator Men: Vacant
Senior Coordinator Women:
Canteen Manager/Coordinator -
Junior Coordinator 5-6 -
Junior Coordinator 7-8 -
Junior Coordinator 9-11 -
Junior Coordinator 12-13 -
Junior Coordinator 14-16 -
Sponsorship Coordinator/group - sponsorship.espsoccer@mail.tidyhq.com : Uli Sonnott
The Association's mission -
To develop and encourage, happy, innovative, creative, respectful soccer players and leaders.
The Association will endeavour to reach its vision to -
- Develop excellence and enjoyment for all
- Develop a passion, respect and love for the game of soccer
- Allow our players to express their passion through innovation and creativity
- Enable each player and team to achieve their personal best
- Develop our player's ability to effectively problem solve, no matter the situation
The Association's values -
- Innovation and Creativity
- Encouragement and Fun
- Trust and Friendships
- Respect, Integrity and Pride
- In game Strategy management
- Understanding Tactics positions in games
For more information on season start date, teams, fixtures, go to our Facebook page
Esperance Soccer Association | Facebook
Thank you to our 2024 sponsors for their continuous support who make the fun possible!
Sponsors make it possible for the club to fund the gear, games, ground upkeep, power, amenities, tournaments and much more. Soccer would simply not be possible without the continuous support from these local businesses and associations. The Esperance Soccer Association acknowledges and truly appreciates the continuous dedication.